Smiley Dog helping out Assistance Dogs Austrlaia…

PIAA member Smiley Dog keeps Assistance Dogs Australia stocked with their calming essential lavender oil shampoo for use on all their training puppies.

Here is Assistance Dogs Australia training dog Bear, before and after his Smiley Dog wash!


Click here to read about the great work that is done by Assistance Dogs Australia

About Smiley Dog
Sarah and Eva launched Smiley Dog® in 2008 based on their unbreakable bond and love for their dogs and their respect for professional groomers. Their vision was to fill a gap in the market to create a natural product that was safe and effective using quality ingredients and 100% Australian made and owned. We are passionate about providing premium, safer and natural alternatives for your dog with our fabulous range of dog care products. Extensively researched and formulated (with an experienced manufacturing team in Australia of 30yrs developing trusted products within the Animal market), we have proven that our natural product is loved by Australian pet owners, retailers, groomers and vets.


PIAA welcomes Fetch Pet Insurance as members


Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance…