Get Ready Animals…

Emergencies can occur suddenly and planning for your pets and animals keeps everyone safe.

NSW SES (State Emergency Service) have prepared resources in collaboration with a range of organisations to help you, your group, association, breed club, business and local community to be prepared for emergencies.

Emergency Information

Make an Animal Emergency Plan

Animals are important and precious parts of our family and they rely on us to keep them safe.

Making an animal emergency plan doesn’t take long, and means you are prepared for any emergency that may affect your home, family and animals.

Understand your risk and make a plan

If you live near bushland, a river or creek, on a floodplain or close to the coast, sooner or later you may be impacted by a natural disaster. Both the NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES)  and NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) both have emergency planning tools available on their websites.   

Get Ready NSW is the NSW Office Of Emergency Management’s website and it has a wealth of resources for individualscommunity organisationsbusinesses and Councils to help plan for emergencies.

Here is an excellent video from the South Australian RSPCA, which shows how to plan for your pets and horses....

Know where to go if you need to evacuate

If you need to evacuate, always take your animals with you. Planning to go and stay with family or friends is often the most comfortable and convenient option.

Evacuation Centres may be opened and you can take your animals along with you, where you can look after them there. During an emergency check the NSW Disaster Assistance   and  NSW Department of Primary Industries  sites for information about evacuation centres and areas where you can take large animals and livestock.

If you have large animals like horses and livestock, you should relocate them early to a safer area. Planning ahead with other landholders can make this process easier and quicker

It’s also important to register with the Red Cross’ service called Register.Find.Reunite. This service registers, finds and reunites family, friends and loved ones after an emergency.

Stay informed

Listen to ABC and local radio stations, visit emergency service websites, Facebook sites and apps for information on to stay updated. You can search for your local ABC radio and tv stations by putting in your suburb at . Check out the Emergency Information section here

The Bureau of Meteorology  provides continual updates on weather forecasts and current weather warnings. It includes information about severe weather and storms, plus fire, flood and other climate information.

During an emergency, evacuation routes may be cut, so make sure you have planned ahead and identified several different options. Live Traffic  is a great site that gives up to date traffic information and is also available as an app for your phone. More detailed information on local road closures may be available on Council websites.

Animal Plan on a Page
Animal Emergency Grab & Go Bag Poster
Planning for your Animals in Emergencies
Keeping your Animals Safe in an Emergency
Are Your Ready Pet Passport for Kids
Planning an Animals in Emergency Display