Responsible pet ownership…
New South Wales
Responsible pet owners microchip and register their dog and cat and ensure that their contact details are up to date. You can now update your contact details on the new NSW Pet Registry. If your dog or cat is lost, up to date contact details are the best way to bring your pet home.
Microchipping & Registration
Assistance Animals
Declared dangerous and menacing dogs
Nuisance dogs and cats
Restricted Dogs
Dog attack reporting
Please click the below link for information on laws for pet owners in Queensland, including registration, microchipping, desexing, animal permits, animal welfare and breeding dogs.
Laws for pet owners in Queensland
Microchipping Registry Service
Domestic dog permit
Duty of care for animals
Enclosures and fencing
Legal requirements for cat owners
Cats health
Cats welfare needs
If you can’t keep your cat
Animal cruelty legislation
Code of practice for the private keeping of dogs
Travelling with dogs
Legal requirements for dog owners
Your dogs welfare needs
Dog training & behavioural problems