Why choose a PIAA member…
Established in 1979, the Pet Industry Association Australia is dedicated to the protection of the pet industry, promoting responsible pet ownership. Our key purpose is;
· To advance the pet industry in Australia
· Continuously improve the welfare of pets in Australia
· Educate pet owners in responsible pet ownership
· Unite the industry through collaboration and consensus
The main benefit of Pet Industry Association membership is the ability of an individual business operator to network with their peers and also be able to make a comment through a “Peak Industry Body” to almost any regulator of the industry. Representing the interests of the industry, our members and the general public before any Commonwealth, State body or tribunal, with any matters affecting a sustainable pet industry. Promote, seek, or oppose legislation or other measures affecting the interests of the industry.
PIAA members are committed to advancing the pet industry in Australia. As a united membership they seek to continuously improve the welfare of pets. Promoting the humane treatment of animals in all areas including breeding, handling, transportation, retailing and housing. Compliance to any code, best practice, standards and guidelines, local state and commonwealth legislation, or any act such as Prevention of cruelty to animals in all states and territories of Australia.
PIAA members have a National Code of Practice that is produced by members for the sole purpose of “self regulation” at the highest workable level. This Code has been very well accepted by Government and its standards exceed our regulators’ requirements. PIAA also has sector specific Standards & Guidelines.
The PIAA’s goal is to provide a training pathway for our members to drive a higher minimum standard, help support and improve education of pet owners in responsible pet ownership. Enhancing a customer centric and learning culture within our industry.
Membership structure
There are numerous categories within PIAA membership, including RETAIL, BREEDING, GROOMING, AQUATICS, BOARDING & PET SERVICES, SUPPLIERS & MANUFACTURERS, ASSOCIATES and STUDENTS. There are various levels of membership and fees based on a sliding scale that ensures that full membership of the Pet Industry Association remains affordable for all business operators.