Ongoing F3 Feline Vaccine Shortage
With February coming to an end and the busy Easter boarding season rapidly approaching, I just wanted to reach out to provide an update around the continued supply shortages still be experienced with F3 Feline Vaccine.
I've reached out to some of the vaccine importers/manufacturers who have advised that supplies are improving but are still some months away from full supply. Unfortunately, a significant back log now exists, on top of the ongoing demand for priority vaccinations of kittens and shelter animals means any F3 supply is disappearing as quick as it is being released. Sadly, this this still leaves the average cat owner in a near impossible position to find a vet with the stock to administer a booster.
I have negotiated with NSW and Victorian DPI animal welfare units to ensure a continuation of the previous special arrangements are able to stay in effect on a rolling month by month basis until C3 Vaccine supplies return to normal.
Victorian operators should be ensuring they use the below form letter to inform their council of the arrangements and measurers you are implementing in your business.
NSW operators need only to ensure they continue to follow as many best practice recommendations as previous communicated by PIAA.
States and territories that don’t operate to mandatory codes od practice still should be following PIAA’s own guidelines and best practices document and is highly recommended you continue to follow the below PIAA guidance around accepting cats for boarding during this ongoing F3 vaccine shortage.
No cohabiting of any cats (unless from the same household)
Increased cleaning and disinfection measures
Increased monitoring for any illness or symptoms throughout the stay
Clear policies to seek immediate veterinary treatment in the event of a symptomatic cat.
Consider introduction of requirement for pre arrival vet health checks within 72 hours prior to boarding.
Ensure you continue to keep your customers informed of the special measures when taking booking for cats overdue for their booster.
If you are not a current PIAA member, please join or renew, as its only through your ongoing support can PIAA be there to react to situations like is current happening and ensure your business and the boarding sector is properly represented.
Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any further queries or issues in relation to the current F3 vaccine shortage.
See HERE for copies of previous email updates and guidance’s sent throughout October and November 2023.