Does your business hire casual employees?


Is your business prepared for the casual conversion legislation changes? In case you’re not aware, in March this year, the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021 (Bill) passed Parliament. This Bill introduced a string of changes to casual employment, including providing a statutory mechanism for casual conversion.

The transitional period which granted employers the time to make assessments about whether they needed to offer casual conversion is ending on 27 September 2021.

Casual conversion can be tricky and that there are a few things to consider when assessing your workforce. To help, we’re sharing some valuable information with you, so read on.

Is my business impacted by this new law?

The changes to casual employment apply to national system employers, whereby businesses with 15 or more employees must determine who is eligible for casual conversion and make offers before 27 of September 2021. Small businesses, meaning businesses with less than 15 employees, are exempt from this legislation, but employees do have a residual right to request casual conversion.

Source: HR Assured
Preparing your business for casual conversion: transitional period to end


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