New program to keep cats home and protect wildlife…


A new initiative has been launched by NSW Government to help curb the toll on native wildlife caused by domestic cats in NSW. Under the new initiative, RSPCA NSW will engage 10 urban and regional councils across the state, providing education and advice for communities on the importance of containing their cats safely at home. The project will engage council representatives, veterinarians, companion animal groups, cat owners, the general community and wildlife groups.

The 10 councils involved in the program are:

  • Blue Mountains City Council

  • Northern Beaches Council

  • Byron Shire Council

  • Shoalhaven City Council

  • Campbelltown City Council

  • Tweed Shire and Kyogle Councils

  • City of Parramatta

  • Walgett Shire Council

  • Hornsby Shire Council

  • Weddin Shire Council.

The new program will be tailored to each council’s needs, so they can customise the best plan to suit their community and protect our precious native wildlife.

The project will engage council representatives, veterinarians, companion animal groups, cat owners, the general community and wildlife groups in each council area.

Additionally, school curriculum-linked resources will be developed.

RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman said the four-year project was designed to change attitudes and behaviours in the community towards responsible cat ownership.

“We are excited to be working with our council partners and communities closely over the next four years to initiate real change in the way people care for cats as companion animals,” Mr Coleman said.

“Our job is to help people help animals, and in doing that we can ensure our furry feline friends will live longer, happier, healthier lives and so too will our native birds and wildlife.”

The program is supported by a $2.5 million grant from the Environmental Trust.


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