PIAA takes part in inaugural “The Pet Show”…
PIAA recently attended the innuagrual new consumer expo, called The Pet Show, held at the showgounds in Sydney on the weekend of 5th and 6th November. The Pet Show is the first show to truly bring together all facets of pet keeping under one BIG roof.
PIAA continues to take every opportunity to build and grow our profile to both the trade and general public alike. The show was a very professionally run event that was a credit to the organisers. It was also very impressive to see so many different educational talks, seminars and experiences offered throughout the show. The PIAA booth was staffed by Paul Talbot (as well as his very enthusiastic kids, niece and nephew) and Anthony. We promoted messages around responsible pet keeping, don't dump that fish and protecting your right to keep, breed and sell pets. We distributed 1000 flyers which also promoted our PIAA website member directory and provided QR code links to our Facebook and YouTube channels.
All in all, the show was a resounding success, with both exhibitiors and the general public all leaving very impressed. I encourage you all to consider the opportunity to get involved when the Pet Show next rolls around. Next year sees shows planned in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and then back to Sydney again.