The original Australian Dog of the Year awards…

At this time of year, there’s a lot of attention given to the hooman Australians of the Year. Hoomans are furbulous, but where would we be without our faithful furry friends?

Because our dogs have made such an incredible impact in our lives, Puppy Tales is proud to head up the search for the 2023 Australian Dog of the Year for the third year!

The True Spirit of Australia

Our dogs, fur babies, canine companions and furry offsiders have brought us through an extremely tough couple of years and they have continued to contribute to society in many, many ways. To recognise the services they provide in communities, to humans and their unyielding devotion in the face of gloomy pawrents, tough times, and the occasional vacuum cleaner, we’re looking to acknowledge pooches from across Australia.

We’re looking for the canine that represents the essence of the Australian doggo — love, courage, inspiration, assistance and fur-iendship.

Is your doggo the noblest of pooches? Do they embody the spirit to be the Australian Dog of the Year? Submit your nomination below for the chance to win some pawsome prizes and of course the coveted title of Australian Dog of The Year!

What kind of dogs are we looking for?

Because our doggos are as wonderfully diverse as our nation, there’s no knowing which pupper is going to earn the title of the Australian Dog of the Year. Any dog who has made an impact in the lives of people, other animals or the environment could be selected as a finalist and win! Here’s a list of some of the kinds of dogs we’d love to hear from and showcase in our awards:

  • Guide dogs or hearing dogs

  • Therapy dogs in their wide variety of roles

  • Dogs who have helped someone with disabilities or health challenges

  • Dogs in reading programs or assistance at schools

  • Dogs involved in wildlife detection or protection

  • Dogs who have located, rescued or saved people, or other pets

  • Police and combat dogs

  • Other working dogs

  • Dogs that are blood donors

  • A best friend who has gotten you through a tough time (like the years of a worldwide pandemic or horrible environmental disasters 🙄)

Dogs being nominated don’t have to have a specific job, role or incredible su-paw talent, they just simply have to have made a change, created impact or brought happiness in the lives of others!

Visit Puppy Tales for more information.


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