Updates to the NSW Companion Animals Register…

OLG has reviewed reports available in the CAR and as a result have made changes to the Animal Count report to provide clearer information on state-wide counts of pets identified and/or registered for a period.
It now includes:

  • Breakdown of animals identified or registered or identified and registered.

  • Breakdown by species between date from and date to

  • Totals Count for animals identified or registered between date from and date to

  • Report is filtered on an animals 'entered date' and excludes deceased animals

Further to this, OLG will be implementing the Residing LGA Code Assignment to ensure that the residing LGA is assigned to all animals as soon as possible in the identification, registration and change of details processes. This is in the final stages of development and more information will be released soon.

Snapshot on Companion Animals Registrations

A massive 10,023 registrations were processed, up by 30% from the previous month.

3,649 (36%) of those registrations were taken by the online Pet Registry (petregistry.nsw.gov.au).

A big shout out to the Council staff at Port Stephens, Central Coast and Campbelltown who recorded a bumper month for registrations, smashing their previous month.

The top 5 councils contributing the highest percentage of registrations completed in NSW for the past 6 months were: Central Coast, Wagga Wagga, Lake Macquarie, Northern Beaches and Shoalhaven.

Congratulations to the staff in these Council areas working hard to ensure their community are keeping their pets safe.

Feed back from the Pets Webinar held in December 2021

OLG continue to work through the feedback that was provided by Councils at the Pet Registry Webinar that was held in December 2021. Some of the feedback suggested changes to the CAR, which you will appreciate can be challenging due to the age of the system. However, the good news is that our vendor advises that some of the changes can be done and we continue to work through the development of those.

Some of these are:

  • Developing an Audit report for Level 3 or above Councils Users

  • Updating the access to enforcements reports so they will be available to Level 2 users

  • Visual prompts such as:

    • Given Name (remove the S)

    • Legal Name to be entered only

    • Note to reflect microchips should only be 15 digits

    • Creating a hover over so Councils can see the new pet owners name once on Home Transfer state

There was other system functionality feedback provided, however, these will be recorded and reviewed in the development on the new system. Unfortunately, the CAR has limitations and can’t adapt to some of the new technology required to implement at this time.


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