Welcome to our newest member…

Australia Talentail is a proudly Australian owned and operated company. Talentail comes from the two words TALENT and TAIL – meaning little tail with wisdom or legend of the little tail.

At Talentail, we regard all pets as lifelong friends and members of our family. We are inspired by our precious and beautiful Australian environment, and are guided by the highest food standards and leading science.

We believe in the philosophy of nature in balance and stay true to that as one of our core values, and we continue to explore and pursue new technologies and higher goals.

Our value proposition is ‘Making Pet Care Easier’ and our mission is to provide a comprehensive range of health and wellbeing products to care for and protect your furry companions.

Visit Talentails Website for more information


Welcome to our newest member…


Ivory Coat walks the talk, supporting pet rescue and building connections between people and pets…