Welcome to our newest member…

OZ Discus is a locally incubated Australian business focussed on importing the highest quality to competition grade Discus and Fancy Goldfish into Australia. By doing this, OZ Discus has seen many new keepers enter into the hobby with the desire to achieving competition high grade fish.

OZ Discus has established a network of Internationally Awarded Farms by creating meaningful relations that constantly challenges farms for higher grade fish to be coming to Australia. Only by creating high achieving goals with Discus and Fancy goldfish keeping will it in-still aspirations amongst hobbyists both as new keepers and veterans to begin, remain and to re-join the hobby.

OZ Discus in 2022 have also represented Australia in getting involved with International Discus and Goldfish Competitions by competing; these have all yield fruitful.

OZ Discus have also had discussions about creating an education program for judging Discus fish in Australia and overseas. This will further amplify the credibility of Australian Discus and Fancy Goldfish in the eyes of the international market. With OZ Discus’s established relations with previous Australian Discus Society board leaders in Australia, OZ Discus will be equipped and supported to hold future competitions in Australia that will delight Australian keepers as well as having the ability to invite International judges and farms to get involved. This vision is progressing and hope to be a realised reality.

Visit Oz Discus Website


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