Keeping pets in rental homes…

From NSW Government

In NSW, landlords can refuse to allow a tenant to keep a pet without providing a reason - unless it’s an assistance animal.

In other states and territories, rules have recently changed to make it easier for tenants to keep pets in rental homes. We’d like your feedback on the current rules in NSW and whether they should also be changed.

We want to hear from tenants, property managers, landlords and anyone interested in this topic.

Tell us what you think

Your feedback will help us understand how changing these rules will affect property owners and their tenants.

You can have your say by answering a quick poll, completing a survey or writing a submission.

For information and suggested questions that may help with your responses, download our consultation paper (external link).

Public consultation is open until 5 pm Friday, 2 December 2022.

Have your say here!


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Welcome to our newest member…